High Blood Pressure Herbs

If you’re looking for high blood pressure herbs to help lower your blood pressure, you’ll be glad to know that there are some excellent herbs that have been shown to do just that.

Herbs are starting to shine once again, as more and more people start to go back to the more traditional and natural ways of curing illnesses.

Not only is this because natural methods are safer and healthier with less risk of side effects and allergies, but also due to the economic benefits, as they are way cheaper than drugs.

This includes the hypertension remedies we will be talking about.

Furthermore, herbs are more effective, especially for those looking for alternative hypertension remedies who already have made numerous attempts to relieve their medical conditions. They also have more scientific studies than most of the prescription drugs out there.

There are a wide variety of high blood pressure herbs, but we will only go over a few of the most effective ones to help you get started in the right direction.

Garlic has proven its benefits over time, as medicinal uses of this plant can be traced back to ancient Egypt. Garlic contains a number of medicinal benefits, some of which are due to the compound allicin, which is a highly potent antibiotic.

However, garlic also has capabilities to lower blood cholesterol levels and even prevent clots in the blood cells, allowing an increased blood flow in the body due to its high levels of antioxidants. As one of the best hypertension supplements, garlic can take effect in just as little as two to three hours after taking it.  More about garlic.

This plant is mostly popular for its medicinal purposes, as it is considered the best herb for the promotion of heart and circulatory system health. Intake of the berries, flowers, and leaves can help the arteries to open up for better blood circulation. This is why regular intake of the herb is considered one of the natural cures for hypertension.

It works effectively to reduce blood pressure to a normal level with the help of the active ingredients such as flavonoids, crateugus acids, and OPC’s or oligomeric procyanidins.

Other medicinal uses for hawthorn herbal supplement include curing dysentery and diarrhea, relieving stress, menopausal relief, and boosting of appetite, among many others. Results will start to appear after two months of regular intake of hawthorn extract.

Native Remedies has an excellent supplement called High-Rite that contains hawthorn and other herbs to help maintain normal blood pressure levels. Visit their site here:

High Blood Pressure Herbs

Angelica is a popular herb thought to have magical healing and protection powers due to the numerous tales involving the plant.

This marvelous herbal remedy has been in use for thousands of years as an herbal medicine to aid in the cure of a number of ailments.

Angelica can be an ideal high blood pressure herb due to its bioflavonoid content, which improves blood circulation and flow. The parts of angelica that have medicinal effects are the roots and the leaves. You can take it as a brewed tea or in supplement form.

However, it is not advisable for the following to consume angelica:

  • Diabetics, as it can increase blood sugar levels
  • Pregnant women, as it is an emmenagogue and induces menstruation
  • People with heart conditions without asking their physician or doctors first, as preliminary studies show that it can induce blood clotting in high amounts
  • Women who experience too frequent and excessive menstruation, as it can cause too much bleeding.

Angelica also interacts badly with a number of drugs, so if you take medications check with your doctor before taking angelica herb.  More benefits of angelica.

Ginger is another of the effective hypertension herbal remedies. It has been used for centuries for its numerous medicinal components. Ginger is most popular for its effects on the circulatory system, mainly the blood.

Its effectiveness as one of the high blood pressure herbs is due to its strong impact on blood circulation, ability to reduce LDL or bad cholesterol levels, as well as blood-thinning compounds.

However, for some highly sensitive individuals, intake of ginger, even in controlled dosages, can cause heartburn. This can also be the reason why it is not advisable for pregnant women to consume it regularly. Heartburn reactions vary from person to person, however, and may not be a problem for you.

Native Remedies has an excellent supplement called High-Rite that contains hawthorn and other herbs to help maintain normal blood pressure levels. Visit their site here:

High Blood Pressure Herbs

The hypertension supplements mentioned above are just a few of the many herbs that are effective natural cures for hypertension. However, although, herbs are promising alternative treatments, it would still be best to check with your physician before using any of the high blood pressure herbs in order to be sure you are helping your condition and not making it worse.